Reality therapy is a method of counseling and cognitive behavioral
pshycotherapy are highly facused and interactive, and is one that has been
applied succesfully in various spheres (Stepehen Palmer, 2010).
Reality Therapy developed by William Glasser (1960) as a reaction
to the rejection of the concepts in pshychoanalysis counseling. William Glasser
was born in 1925 in Ohio. At the age of 19, he graduate as a chemical engineer
in the Case Institute of Technology. And at the age of 23 years he obtained a
master’s degree in clinical psychology at Case Western Reserve University, and
at the age of 28 years, Glasser graduated as a doctor at the same Unniversity
(Gunarsa D. Singgih, 2007).
Glasser looked Psychoanalysis as a model of treatment that are less
satisfactory, less effective, and therefore he was motivated to modify
psychoanalytic concepts and develop his own ideas based on life experience and
clinical experience. Because reality therapy focuses on the present life roblem
(newest reality client) and the use of questioning techniques by the therapist
asking reality, reality therapy proved to be very effective in the short term,
although not limited to that alone.
Roley (2003) stated that in the formation of identity, of each of the
individual will develop engagement with others and with the shadow self, which
the individual will feel relatively successful and unsuccessful. Other people
play an important role in explaining the individual to understand and explain
identity itself. According to Glasser (1965) base reliatas basis of therapy is
to assist clients in fulfilling basic psychological needs, namely the need to
love and be loved and the need to feel that the individual is useful for itself
and others.
The health humans
emotionally have the following characteristics (Glasser, 1998; Glasser &
Wubblolding, 1995; Wubbolding, 1991):
Can choose how to feel, how to
think, and act the right way to meet their own needs without having to ignore
or impede the rights of others to ememnuhi needs;
Not only striving to improve the
quality of his own life but also to take steps to help the other stamps and
shape the environment in order to become a better place for human life;
Formation of the image or identity
of the person who managed (successfully establish identity) and better reflect
their own internal frame of reference.
Corey, Gerald.
2003. Teori dan Praktek Konseling & Psikoterapy, Bandung: PT Refika
Darminto, Eko.
2007. Teori-teori konseling teori dan praktek; konseling dari berbagai
orientasi teoritik dan pendekatan, Surabaya: UNESA University Press
Gunarsa, D. Singgih. 2007. Konseling
dan Psikoterapi, Jakarta: Gunung Mulia
Palmer, Stephen. 2010. Konseling dan Psikoterapi, Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar
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